################################################## # How to install PHP Link Directory # @link http://www.phplinkdirectory.com ################################################## ################################################## ************************ ** BASIC INSTALLATION ** ************************ 1. Upload the files in the archive to your host. 2. Change permissions on the following file and four folders to 777 (755 if your host is hostgator or hostdime or running phpsuexec) - include/config.php - temp/ - temp/adodb - temp/cache - temp/templates If the folders do not exist please create them. 3. Rename config.php.new to config.php 4. Access the installer/updater by trying to go to the directory. It should forward you to http://www.your-domain.com/install/ , if it doesn't try typing in the URL directly. For example, if you installed the directory in a sub folder of your domain it may look like this: http://www.your-domain.com/directory/install/index.php 5. Run through the self explained setup, if you have any questions, comments or suggestions stop by the forum: http://www.phplinkdirectory.com/forum 6. As a security measure, we recommend you change back permissions to 444 on the file: - include/config.php If using Cpanel you will need to do this via the Cpanel File Manager. You can also remove the entire "install" folder. If you want to (re)install/update on a later point, you can upload the folder again. 7. If you are running your directory under a subfolder of your domain (example: http://www.your-domain.com/directory/) please edit the .htaccess file. In this case you need to add the foldername in the "ErrorDocument 404" statement: - ErrorDocument 404 directory/index.php?httpstatus=404 **************************** ** IMPORTANT ADVANCED CONFIGURATION ** **************************** In order for the expiry date to be set when a link is approved then you must enable Payment Data Transfer The steps are as follows: In paypal under profile choose website payment preferences. Turn auto-return on Put an url in doesnt matter what the script sends one anyway. (this is working for me with return set to my hosting signup script) Go to Payment Data Transfer (optional) Turn it on. Find Instant Payment Notification Preferences under selling preferences and click the link Then have make sure you have Instant Payment Notification (IPN) On Instant Payment Notification (IPN) URL: This can be anything the script sets it at post time **************************** ** ADVANCED CONFIGURATION ** **************************** If you want to enjoy all features of PHP Link Directory, you probably want to go throught the next steps. 8. Google/Yahoo! Sitemaps To create Google and/or Yahoo! sitemaps, you need to give writing permissions to following files: - sitemap.xml - sitemap.xml.gz - urllist.txt - urllist.txt.gz 9. Create database backups One of the most important security and integrity measures is to create backups of your database. For this you will have to give writing permissions to following folder: - backup 10. Edit template files You probably want an easy way to change your template files, this can be done if you give writing permissions to all files in the following folder: - templates 11. In order to use advanced search you must enable boolean in your admin area. If the search does not return results when you expect some, then contact your host to ensure that mysql is boolean enabled. 12. IF you enable the cache option please remember to clean the cache after any changes via admin. If you do not then changes will not show until the default cache timeout occurs. Thank you for choosing PHP Link Directory! Kind Regards, the PHP Link Directory Team!