Project: PHP Link Directory: Version 4.0.0 This software is for use only to those who have purchased a license. A license must be purchased for EACH installation of the software. By using the software you agree to the terms: - You may not redistribute, sell or otherwise share this software in whole or in part without the consent of the the ownership of PHP Link Directory. Please contact if you need more information. - You agree to retain a link back to on all pages of your directory in you purchased the $25 version of the software. - License holders are entitled to upgrades to the 3.4 branch of the software as they are made available at ttp:// - In some cases, license holders may be required to agree to changes in the software license before receiving updates to the software. - For questions, help, comments, discussion, etc., please join the PHP Link Directory Forum @link @copyright 2004-2007 NetCreated, Inc. ( @package PHPLinkDirectory @version 4.0.0